Mouse Game and Aeroplane Feeding Game
This is my dog, Solas, playing two games that are working on the concept of 'self-control and tolerance for frustration'. The games are: 'Mouse Game' and 'Aeroplane Feeding'.
Notice there is no 'correction' when she tries to get the food - it's just 'caged' by my hand, and when she goes towards the food when 'Aeroplane Feeding' it just gets retracted.
Solas is experienced playing these games, but they were built up from the foundation level just as you will learn with your dog.
Noughts and Crosses
Solas playing a game of self-control, tolerance to frustration, focus and attention, using treats. You can develop your own games to play with your dog that help with growing the different concepts. This was a fun game working on our relationship - the video was taken the first time we played it so I had no idea how it was going to turn out!
Sadly, Solas, my German Shepherd, is no longer with me. Spirit is going to be featuring from now on. He was born on 19th Sept 2021, and I'll showcase some of his training here. In July 2022, Spirit was joined by Magik, whom I rehomed.(videos of Magik to come)